
1. FOUNDER MEMBER: (Membership has been closed)

Founder Membership is closed now as the purpose has been served.

2. PATRON MEMBERS: (Membership has been closed)

(i) Any individual who shall donate a minimum of such sum as decided by the Managing Committee from time to time shall become a Patron.

(ii) Patron Members shall enjoy all the sports facilities without further paying any subscriptions except an Annual Maintenance Fees as decided by the Managing Committee.


Any individual who shall pay such sum as decided by the Managing Committee from time to time and in such manner, shall be treated as Life Member of the Association. Life Members shall be required to pay an Annual Maintenance Fees.
Apart from annual renewal charges, they have to pay for individual activities for which he/she may participate.


(i) Any group or individual organisation or establishment paying a minimum of such sum as donation as decided by the Managing Committee from time to time in terms of material or cash shall be admitted as an Organisation Member.

(ii) The Organisation Member shall be entitled to 5 Association Membership Nominee Cards. These cards shall be valid throughout the lifetime of the organisation. These 5 organisation nominees nominated by the Organisation will be entitled to make use of the sports facilities provided by the Association without any further payment. These organisations will be given priority and concessions in the use of the Stadium complex for their own sports or annual social gatherings.


Besides Entrance Fees they are required to pay Annual Subscription and Annual Maintenance Fees as decided by the Managing Committee.
Persons paying entrance fees of such sum as decided by the Managing Committee from time to time in lump sum and the annual subscription of such sum as decided by the Managing Committee shall be admitted as GENERAL MEMBER. Apart from annual renewal charges, they have to pay for individual activities for which he/she may participate.


The following individuals posted in Navi Mumbai and who are subject to transfer outside the area of Navi Mumbai shall be eligible to apply for Service Membership during their tenure at Navi Mumbai without payment of entrance fees, but only annual subscription as may be determined by the Managing Committee for such type of members.

(a) All IAS & IPS officers

(b) Municipal Commissioner of Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation

(c) State & Central Government Class I officers

(d) Police Officers of rank of Senior PSI/ACP/DCP & above of Navi Mumbai

(e) Any other person recommended by the Managing Committee as a special case in the interest of the association


Students upto the age of 25 years shall be eligible to be admitted as Student Members

Student Members have to pay the entrance fee and annual subscription of such sum as decided by the Managing Committee from time to time. While taking part in any activities he/she shall pay individual activities subscription as decided from time to time by the Managing Committee

(iii) This membership is available for the Academic Year i.e. June to March each year

(iv) Students have to submit an age proof which has been attested by the principal of their educational institution


Any senior citizen of more than 60 years of age residing in Navi Mumbai can avail of this membership at a concessional rate. Age proof is required.


Any Member recommended by a Founder Member or Patron or a Life Member or General Member or any Organisation Member may be admitted as a temporary Member for a period not exceeding 30 days continuously on payment of fees and subscription on payment of fees Rs. 50,000 on non refundable basis. The Temporary Member will have no voting rights and will not be eligible to hold any office.


The spouse of the main member and his/her children (maximum three) shall be treated as Associate Members. The male child continues to be an Associate Member till he attains 21 years of age and the female child till she gets married. The spouse continues to be an Associate Member throughout his/her lifetime.

The one time Entrance Membership Fee shall be 30% of the prevailing Life/General Membership fee at the time of application. The member can opt for any one.

The membership shall be called Associate Life/Associate General Membership in case of Life/General membership, respectively.

The main member should have been a member of NMSA for a continuous period of 5 Years at the time of applying for membership.

The membership to the child can be given only after attaining the age of 21 years but before completing 30 years.

The Associate Life Member will be required to pay maintenance charges asdecided by the Managing Committee from time to time, plus Govt. taxes as applicable.

The Associate General Member will be required to pay Maintenance Fees besides Annual Subscription plus Govt. taxes as applicable.

For further details about membership, application forms, prevailing rates, procedure followed and documents required etc., please contact the Administrative Office between 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. any day except Monday.

Salient Features:

1. 75% of members are from Navi Mumbai

2. 75% of members have paid subscription of less than Rs.10,000 for getting membership

3. Concessional membership is offered to service personnel, students and senior citizens

Physical well-being

Through various sports & events, we give the community an avenue to stay fit, which in turn helps them live a happier & healthier life. Our sports help in keeping fit while our gym & aerobics sessions help people achieve various body goals as well.

Mental well-being

Regular sports activities keep the key mental skills sharp as you age. It improves decision making, leadership & critical thinking. In this day and age, where the stress & depression levels are on the rise, sports help in relaxing ones mind and fighting depression.

Social well-being

Our Restaurant & Banquet Halls serve as a great medium of social interaction & help in keeping spirits high. Kids & adults who come to the club meet & interact with their friends as well as various other people & sports-persons which keeps them socially bonded.

Navi Mumbai Sports Association

Sector-1A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400 703.

Contact numbers
Hon. Gen. Secretary: 022 69669901
Exe. Secretary: 022 69669902
Main Board Lines (Reception: 022 696699 99/98/97


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